Joyce Lee Matulka (00159) Photos
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Matulka confirmation picture with her aunt Bernice Spahr (no
date) |
Donald and Ronald Matulka (April, 1955) |
Cousins Joyce
Matulka and Linda Brighton (no date) |
Matulka (1963) |
Brenda Smith, Joyce
Matulka Smith and Gary Smith (1983) |
Cheryl Matulka Moss Pyle, David Pyle, Gary Smith and
Joyce Matulka Smith
at Fred and Mary Ann Matulka wedding anniversary (October 28, 2000) |
Shelby Lewis, Joyce
Matulka Smith, Colby Lewis (front), Gary Smith (back), Hadley Lewis
and Brenda Smith Lewis (2001) |
Joe Matulka Jr. and Ruth Spahr Family (2001) |
Sean Matulka and Julia Phillip Wedding (no date) |